360-Degree Feedback

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21 December 2021

Performance management can include several techniques – but 360-degree feedback sits right at the centre-point of appraisals.

360-degree feedback presents a rounded image of an employee’s organisational position. Through the feedback, employees can further develop their skills and abilities.

Without an efficient reviewing process, your staff could feel devalued and decide to leave – effecting your business opportunities and reputation.

Read all about 360-degree feedback, the pros and cons for it, and how to incorporate it into your performance appraisal.

What is 360-degree feedback?

360-degree feedback is a performance appraisal tool used during an employee appraisal. Instead of one person, a group of managers or colleagues provide feedback on an employee’s conduct and performance.

It’s normally used to provide feedback for employees in higher or more complicated positions. But depending on how detailed the feedback needs to be, you can use it for any employee.

What does 360-degree feedback measure?

This feedback technique can measure several staff qualities, like:

  • Employee performance.
  • Competency in achieving objectives.
  • Skills and talents.
  • Teamwork ethic and conduct.

And by choosing relevant peers, like a direct line-manager, you can produce a truthful and comprehensive employee report.

What are the benefits of using 360-degree feedback?

Employers can benefit so much from using this method during seasonal or annual appraisals.

The effectiveness of 360-degree feedback allows employees to understand their value and improve their professional development.

Here is a list of the advantages of 360-degree feedback:

Provides a variety of constructive feedback

This technique can provide employers with an array of constructive feedback. Which means you can save yourself from creating thorough reports on an individual scale. 

Strengthens teamwork ethics and responsibility

The feedback allows employees to learn how to work more efficiently as a team. You can benefit through stronger cohesiveness, better communication, and team development.

Pinpoints personal areas for improvement

The 360-degree technique is seen as one of the best ways to pinpoint specific business areas which require improvement. Once these blips are discovered and ironed out, you can revise your policies and handbooks.

Eliminates any form of bias feedback or discrimination

When attaining feedback, it’s important to refrain from potential bias and favourableness. This can be especially prevalent if direct line managers and colleagues are chosen to provide feedback. However, it is your legal duty as an employer to eliminate any form of workplace discrimination.

What are the disadvantages of 360-degree feedback

The feedback technique isn’t the same as a performance appraisal procedure – it’s only a section of it. Here are some disadvantages for 360-degree feedback you avoid:

Having exceptional standards for the process

It’s best to avoid relying too heavily on the feedback technique. If you keep exceptional standards for the process, you risk unnecessarily wasting time on trying to implement a fully-fledged performance appraisal.

Losing feedback if it’s not utilised

It’s pivotal to make use of the feedback data in a reasonable timeframe – for the growth of the organisation and its workforce.

Through direction and objectives, your staff can develop their own personal attributes, which will transform into business accomplishment.

Too much focus on negatives and weaknesses

During 360-degree feedback, there is arguably a higher concentration on negative character traits. You should highlight any weak points; but keep an overall focus on strengths, as this is the best way to improve and develop skills.

How does 360-degree feedback work?

You can choose from four different 360-degree methods to discover which one works best for employee appraisal. These include:

  1. Line Manager Evaluation.
  2. Peer Evaluation.
  3. Self-Evaluation.
  4. Direct Report Evaluation (if the employee manages other individuals).

Once you’ve decided, ensure the appraisal summary is available to staff – via handbooks or policies.

You can inform employees on who will be providing 360-degree feedback. Sample questions and written details for the appraisal should also be given beforehand.

Here are 360-degree feedback questions you can use:

  • How has the employee demonstrated leadership qualities?
  • Does the employee work well individually, as well as within teams?
  • What interpersonal skills does the employee exhibit?
  • Does the employee accomplish tasks effectively?
  • Has the employee shown efficient problem-solving skills?
  • Does the employee appear motivated and committed to business success?

Ask for examples on how they’ve met your criteria; or how they could, in the future.

Once you’ve discussed their accomplishments and objectives, present a written report of the meeting. It’s also vital to follow-up on any goals you’ve set – helping them to improve their talents.

Get expert guidance on 360-degree feedback with Health Assured

360-degree feedback is a vital tool for enhancing the skillset of your workforce. Through reports, you can see exactly where an employee stands in your business – and how to develop them further.

Without proper performance appraisals, you risk undervaluing your staff. They could be left feeling stunted or unfairly treated – which can lead up to tribunal claims, risking your brand-name and revenue.

Health Assured provides expert guidance on how to use 360-degree feedback during performance management.

Our team offer specialised knowledge on employee engagement and performance. We can also walk you through managing business development and corporate wellbeing.

We provide a 24/7 helpline, that’s open 365 days a year – helping you care for your staff all year round. Arrange a call back from an expert today on on 0844 891 0352

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