What is Whistleblowing at Work?

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Health Assured team

12 February 2018

In a busy workplace it may be hard for managers or supervisors to keep a close eye on every individual and in some cases, this can lead to unwanted or inappropriate behaviour going unnoticed. Or perhaps inappropriate behaviour is occurring within the management team itself. When this happens, employees’ wellbeing can become affected as they can be left feeling uncomfortable in the workplace, and they may need support to feel able to speak out about this. Read on to find out what whistleblowing is and what kind of support can be offered to those who “blow the whistle”.

What is whistleblowing?

If an employee report wrongdoing that they believe is in the public interest, it is known as whistleblowing. Whistleblowing examples can include criminal activity, such as theft or unethical or unjust behaviour in the workplace, including racist, sexist or homophobic behaviour. These issues can be reported to an authorised person or organisation either within, or outside of the workplace, depending on the procedure in place.

Why is whistleblowing support important?

This is an important service to include in any workplace because if employees feel as though they are not able to speak up about problems, this can lead to serious issues. Examples of this are a subdued workplace with an unpleasant atmosphere, where no relationships or trust is formed between staff. As a whistleblower, employees should not worry about facing any repercussions after passing on information on behaviour that they believe is a threat. The law can protect them if they are treated unfairly or lose their job because they are found to have blown the whistle and will be able to take action to bring justice if this is the case.  

What whistleblowing support is available?

Our whistleblowing support allows employees to speak confidentially about such negative problems that they have experienced or witnessed. We offer a helpline which employees can call 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to talk to a trained professional. The appointed co-ordinator will then pass the information on to a designated person in the workplace who will be able to take necessary action. This can help to boost confidence when whistleblowing at work, as staff may not have to talk directly to a person that they know, which can reduce the fear of scrutiny. Our whistleblowing services include multi-lingual support, impartial advice and monthly reports.   Whistleblowing support is one of the most effective ways to help bring underlying issues to the surface in a workplace and ensure that employees have a way to voice any concerns they may have.

If you need more information about whistleblowing services, call Health Assured on 0844 892 2493 or fill in our online form to request a free consultation.

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