Why you need an EAP

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Health Assured team

20 May 2024

In recent years, we’ve experienced a global pandemic, economic turndowns, cost-of-living pressures, a recruitment crisis, and the Great Resignation from the workforce. The impact on people’s mental health has been unprecedented. Now, more than ever, organisations must step up and provide wellbeing support.  

1 in 6 people suffer from symptoms of a mental health condition at work and 1 in 3 people feel that mental health support in their workplace is inadequate. The consequences of poor mental health in the workplace mean countless more people could be struggling in silence.  

The best organisations take a proactive approach to their people’s wellbeing. They understand a simple truth – happier teams are more productive, enthusiastic, and loyal. 

Award-winning health and wellbeing services that make business sense

Mental health in the workplace is becoming a priority for business leaders.  Did you know that ...

  • 1 in 4 people suffer from mental health problems
  • 1 million working days are lost in the UK due to poor mental health every year
  • The average employee takes 5.8 sick days a year
  • 875,000 people suffered from work-related ill health due to stress, depression, and anxiety in 2022-23
  • £56 billion is the annual cost of mental health on UK businesses according to a 2022 report
  • 88% of UK employees have experienced burnout in the last two years
  • 1/3 of managers feel out of their depth in supporting their team with mental health concerns
  • The average payout of £26,172 per disability discrimination case
  • Presenteeism costs businesses around £28 billion - staff turnover £22 billion and absenteeism £6 billion

Short-term problems that impact your long-term goals and growth

  • Employees are 44% more likely to return to work after therapy – reducing absenteeism by 45% and boosting your team’s confidence and productivity.
  • Reduce depression rates by as much as 53%
  • Reduce anxiety rates by as much as 45%
  • Increase employee retention rates by 4.5x
  • Create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce

Let us boost your bottom line

  • Our EAP gives managers and business owners the gift of time, as you can signpost individuals struggling with mental health to our accredited BACP counsellors who offer impartial, non-judgemental, and confidential support - allowing you to focus on running the business. 
  • When people are off sick, your business is less productive, other staff may get overworked, and a business may have to pay sick pay or overtime to cover the workload - all these additional costs add up and affect your bottom line. 
  • Our EAP supports staff in dealing with their issues in and out of work allowing them to come to work.
  • Happier, healthier, and more productive - meaning you are getting the best of them when they are at work. 
  • We mitigate risk for organisations dealing with disability-related employment tribunals relating to mental health discrimination, and neurodiversity tribunals that are on the rise. 
  • Without EAP in place, businesses are exposing themselves to potential claims. The average payout for a disability discrimination case is £26,172, this is a lot of money for a small business. 
  • Retention of staff - a better workplace culture, an employer who cares will have more loyal staff. 
  • Reducing turnover - the costs to a business of recruiting and training a new member of staff to replace someone who left due to mental health reasons is in the thousands. 
  • For every £1 spent on a Health Assured EAP, organisations see an average return on investment of £10.85.

For employers considering investing in an Employee Assistance Programme, there are a variety of EAP pricing models available. Use the link below to discover the cost per employee for your business or organisation.

EAP pricing calculator


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Mindful Employer
Stonewall Diversity Champion
Disability Confident Employer
bacp Accredited Service
International EAP Association
National Suicide Prevention Alliance
The Workplace Wellbeing Charter
Mental Health at Work
Cyber Essentials Plus
Investors in People Silver 2022
Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse
The Prince's Responsible Business Network
SEQOHS Accredited
helplines partnership